2019-2020 Executive Committee Members

CHAU Win Chee, Wendy '96
WOO Sau Lam, Rosalyn '99
Hon. Secretary:
YU Wing Yee, Monique '86
CHEN Yuen Tung, Eutonia '08
Hon. Treasurer:
SO Fiona Julie Mee Kwan '98
KWOK Ka Man, Madeline '96
Chairpersons of Sub-Committees:
Communication: HON Ka Ki, Moby '14
E-Commerce: HUI Lam, Janice '00
Fellowship: LAU Sui Yan, Joyce '95
IT: POON Chun Keung, Tobby '83/F7
Membership: SO, Elaine June '01
Mentorship: NG Wai San, Loretta '60
Music: KWOK Ka Man, Madeline '96
Wellness: LEUNG Man Yee, Phoebe '87
TSUI Yeuk Ting, Maggie '99
Committee Members:
KAN, Elaine '93
Honarary Advisors:
Mrs. CHUA Judy
Mrs. FAN HSU Lai Tai, Rita
Ms. KANT Judy
Miss NG Yin Ching, Marjorie
Ms. LAW Wing Kau, Mildred
Ms. CHAU Wai Chu Maggie (Principal of SSGC)
Ms. HUI Nora (Honorary Auditor)
Ms. CHENG Lai Shan, Eliza '86 (Honorary Legal Advisor)
Message From President

With one hundred and ten years of history behind St. Stephen’s Girls’ College, the St. Stephanie alumnae form a part of the unique tradition of St. Stephen’s Girls’ College.
Our History

St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Alumnae Association (“SSGCAA”) was established in 1926.
The management of the affairs, administration and business of SSGCAA is vested in the Executive Committee which consists of 15 Life Members