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homemade floral

Address: Lai Chi Kok IG:

10% off for all purchase above $800 (workshop or products)

Offer is valid till 31 December 2021

Cosmos Books

香港湾仔莊士頓道 30號地下及地庫 G/F and basement, 30 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

10% off on regular priced books and stationery (except on sale items)

Offer is valid till 31 December 2020

Laine Jewelry

Address: IG: @lainejewellery

Receive a complimentary pair of Akoya pearl earrings with your first purchase. Customers can also
enjoy a free consultation service.


Offer is valid till 31 December 2020

Books & Co

半山柏道10號地下 ; G/F, 10 Park Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong

老師和學生可享用特價午市套餐。家長用膳九折優惠 (包括午市套餐、蛋糕、吐司、三文治套
餐) 及正價書本可享九折(優惠貨品除外)

Special price on set lunch to teachers and students. 10 % discount on all set meals to parents
(including set lunch, cake/toastie/sandwich+drink set).
10% off on regular priced books (except on sale items)

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Indian Spices

高街72號地下10號铺 Shop 10, G/F, 72 High Street, Hong Kong


From Monday till Thursday, buy one curry and get one naan or rice free; Special price lunch set

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020


西環西營盤高街76-78號恆陞大廈地舖 G/F, Hang Sing Mansion, 76-78 High Street, Sai Ying Pun, Western District

10% discount

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

High Street Grill

西環西營盤高街48-78號恆陞大廈地下4-5號舖 48-78, High Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

10% discount

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

St. Barts

西環西營盤高街76-78號恆陞大廈地舖 G/F, Hang Sing Mansion, 76-78 High Street, Sai Ying Pun, Western District

10% discount

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Flying Pig Restaurant & Flying Pig Deli

1)西營盤高街62 號地下( Restaurant) 62 High Street,Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong 2) 西環西營盤正街52-56 號地舖 G/F Center Street 52-56 (Deli)

15 % a la carte food menu (exclude drinks)

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Popcorn Chicken Korean Restaurant

香港西營盤高街25號前座地下 G/F 25 Front High Street, Sai Ying Pun, Western District Tel: 2386 0848

10% on a la carte food menu

Offer valid till 31 December 2020

一站食材專門店 One Shop Food Supply Company

1)西營盤高街52號地下 G/F , 52 High street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong 2) 鲗魚涌海灣街4-6號,嘉榮大厦地下2號舖 Shop 2, G/F, Ka Wing Building, 4-6 Hoi Wan Street, Quarry Bay 3) 香港灣仔船街24號地下 G/F, 24 Ship Street, Wanchai, HK

10% discount

​Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Artisan Butcher

西營盆聖士提反里1-2號3號舖 Shop 3, 1-2 St. Stephen’s Lane, Hong Kong

10% discount

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Organic Oasis

般咸道64號 64 Bonham Road


5% discount

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020


香港太古城恆星閣平台 1004 室 ; Podium Room 1004, Hang Sing Mansion, Taikooshing, Hong Kong Tel.: 28852960


10% discount

此優惠有效期至2020年12月31日/Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Conflux Music Center

香港仔大街22號偉景大廈地下A舖 ; Shop A, Wai King Mansion, 22 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Tel: 2827 7999



Instrument 20% off

Books 10% off

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Donna Ngan Ballet and Jazz Academy

Room 2204, 22/F, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel.: 25225818


Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Viva Voce Speech and Drama Studio

9/F Mirage Tower 13-15 Thomson Road Wanchai Tel: 2983-6778

$100 discount upon enrolment of specified Summer and Full-Year Courses (above promotional offers)
for SSGC Alumnae and PTA. Please check with us for details.
Viva Voce Speech and Drama Studio reserves the right of final decision in case of any disputes.

Offer is valid till 31 December 2020


4/F, 321 Java Road, QuarryBay, Hong Kong ​Tel: +852 2560-8128 香港鰂魚涌渣華道321號4樓 電話:+852 2560-8128

20% off Verm City Clip N' Climb entrance:
- Other offers and promotions cannot be used in conjunction with this offer
- the Discount may only be redeemed upon presentation of PTA/Alumnae Card
- Verm City reserves the final right in case of any dispute from the above terms of use

Offer is valid till 31 December 2020

Studio 49 (Chess)

西營盤高街 66 號地下 66 High Street, Sai Ying Pun , Hong Kong

$100 off first time signing up for lessons

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Ryze Trampoline Park

3/F, Kodak House 1 321 Java Road Quarry Bay, Hong Kong (Closest MTR station is Quarry Bay Exit C)

10% to hold parties at Ryze.


Offer valid till 31 December 2020

Parkland Music 柏茵音樂

西環西營盤般咸道64號嘉丽苑地舖 64 Bonham Road Skylight Tower, 4G, Sai Yang Pun.

Offer varies upon what is offered by the store. Please inquire with store.

​Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Di Roma Fashion Specialist Ltd.

中環皇后大道中33號萬邦行22樓2204室 Room 2204, 22/F, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong ​Tel.: 25225818

Di Roma is an exquisite fashion boutique, specializing in genuine Italian and Korean collection ready to wear and accessories. We provide a personalized fashion consultation for the best clothing and matching accessories.

20% off regular priced products

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Parfumiere Tresor

香港上環上差館里18號地下 ; G/F, 18 Upper Station Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: 2711 5922



此優惠有效期至2020年12月31日/Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Ensto電暖爐/ Ensto Panel Heater

八折優惠 (如價目表),需另附運輸費。

20% discount (as per price list).  Delivery charges will apply.



請寄電郵至 訂購,訂購時請註明是聖士提反女子中學家教會會員。

The price list is posted on PTA webpage:

Contact to order the heater.  Please state that you are a member of SSGC PTA to enjoy the discount.

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Periwinkle – Event Planning


Enjoy 10% discount or delivery charge waived for any order

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020



- 40% off on an educational STEM kit suitable for 12+

Discount coupon code: HKSSGCPTA
- 10% off for other store-wide products

Discount coupon code: 10OFFJUN20
Free shipping within HK

Link to educational STEM kit:


Link to online store:

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Anglo Chinese Florist Ltd

中環擺花街13號地下及閣樓 13 Lyndhurst Terrace Central, HK 29212986 /Whatsapp order 62388823; 西環干諾道西168號地下及閣樓 (by appointment) 168 Connaught Rd West, Sai Wan, HK 22550900/ Whatsapp order 62222692

10% off on all classes and workshops.

10% off for flowers and plants above $1,300 (exclude same day order)

Offer is valid till 31 December, 2020

Carlos Tsang Photography

10% off

Wang Ka Employment Centre 宏嘉僱傭中心

1.) 荃灣南豐中心12樓1219室 荃灣地鐵站 (Exit A) 2.) 大埔崇德街5號地舖 大埔火車站 (Exit A) 3.) 尖沙咀漆咸道南119B號豐景大廈地下(近三角公廁)Telephone : 95615202 / 5406 2570 / 2886 2386

10% off

Offer is valid till 31 December 2021

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